Chapter 5 - Buildings
A building is a kind of room.
A building has text called the front description. The front description of a building is usually "You carefully examine the building."
Understand "examine [any adjacent building]" as examining.
Instead of examining a building (called the target) (this is the examine buildings rule):
let txt be text;
let txt be the front description of the target;
say "[txt][paragraph break]";
The examine buildings rule is listed before the examine undescribed things rule in the carry out examining rules.
Understand "enter [any adjacent building]" as entering.
Understand "get in/into [any adjacent building]" as entering.
Understand "go into/in/inside [any adjacent building]" as entering.
Understand "go [any adjacent building]" as entering.
Instead of entering a building (called the target):
try going inside.