Dinner at the Long Branch Saloon — 17 of 27


Release 1

Section 4 - The thoroughfare, in front of the hardware store

The Western Thoroughfare is west from the Central Thoroughfare. The description of the Western Thoroughfare is "The western part of the thoroughfare is just as busy as the central part which lies to the east. To the west you can see Boot Hill's Cemetary.

You are standing in front of [the hardware store]; it seems to be closed though. [A Mr Zimmermann] is standing next to the entrance."

The printed name of the Western Thoroughfare is "The Thoroughfare".

The associated image of the western thoroughfare is "hardware-store-front.jpg".

The front description of the hardware store is "The [shutters] in front of [the hardware store] are closed. The [entrance] is closed is as well.

All in all, you get the feeling that the hardware store might not be open for business."

The entrance is scenery in the western thoroughfare. The description of the entrance is "It's closed." Understand "door" as the entrance. The printed name of the entrance is "door".

Instead of opening the entrance:

say "It's locked. Normally, this wouldn't pose a problem for you, but there are too many passers-by."

Instead of unlocking the entrance with something (called the opener):

say "Great idea! You try to insert [the opener] into the lock, but strangely enough it doesn't seem to work."

The sign is a thing. The sign is on the entrance. The description of the sign is "It's a piece of cardboard. On the cardboard, someone has carefully lettered the word 'Closed'." Understand "cardboard" as the sign.

The shutters are scenery in the western thoroughfare. The description of the shutters is "They are closed." Understand "window/windows/shutter" as the shutters.

Mr Zimmermann is scenery in the western thoroughfare.